10 11. Just two numbers, apparently.
10 11 stand for 2010 and 2011, when the idea of this project buds and grows to become reality. 10 11 also stand for ten november, the birthday of Iolanda Rotiroti, graphic designer born in Sicily and living in Milan, her adopted city. In her first ring collections Iolanda nourishes her intimate passion for disordered geometries, for pure and harmonious lines, for essential volumes.
Materials are the core of this project: different materials are shaped with subtle balances and proportions, carefully studied to look unexpected.
The concrete levity of the design and the uniqueness of handwork, make these contemporary and vintage rings miniature sculptures, created to last forever in everyday life.
Each of these creations, is designed around a small preexistent object, around a fragment of everyday life made in mother-of-pearl, in fabric, in plastic or even around coloured stones or little wood pieces.
All these lost fragments now carry new meanings.